
What is this website?

This website grew out of a student research project titled Covid-19 and Health in County Jail. The research showed how confusing and difficult it can be to navigate different county jail systems. The goal of this website is to compile useful information about the Bay Area county punishment systems, primarily for incarcerated people’s support systems. While the website is updated regularly, please know the information is incomplete and is not legal advice.

Who created this website?

This website was created by a graduate student named Sophie Allen (JD/PhD Candidate, Stanford Sociology Department), with outstanding research assistance from Stephanie Gonzalez, Skylar Volman, Hannah Ercolini, Raymond Goins, and Claudia Bobadilla. To contact the research team with feedback or questions, send us a message here.


The Survive Bay Area Punishment logo was designed by digital artist Melissa Razo (melissarazo051020@gmail.com).


With gratitude for generous supporting funds: Stanford Center for Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity, Stanford Office of Community Engagement, the Rising Scholars Network, and the National Science Foundation Law & Science Dissertation Grant.